Contoh Motivation Letter dan Berkut Penjelasannya

I’m a friendly and outgoing person who really enjoys spending time with others and making them smile. I’m a safe driver, I’ve had my license for 2 years and haven’t received a single ticket. I believe that I’d be a perfect fit in the Shofer Unlimited team with empathy and open-minded approach to others. I’m also convinced that Shofer Unlimited will be the perfect place for me to gain even more experience in working with different people and improving my customer service skills.
I’d love to talk over the phone with you over the next week about this position and what I could bring to the Shofer Unlimited team.
Itu tadi 4 contoh motivation letter untuk berbagai keperluan yang bisa kamu contoh. Tentunya sekarang kamu sudah punya gambaran cara membuatnya, ya. Asalkan kamu menuliskannya dengan tulus dan jujur, niscaya motivation letter akan membantumu mendapatkan posisi yang kamu inginkan
Editor : Ifan Jafar Siddik